Pressrelease ifrån Tepe Sigeman Chess Tournament

Startfältet för årets turnering är nu komplett. Turneringen spelas på Malmö Live 29 april – 5 maj.

”The starting field is an interesting mix of legends, young stars on the rise and top players:

  • GM Anatoly Karpov, Russia, World Champion 1975-1985 and 1993-1999
  • GM Nils Grandelius, Sweden, number one on the Swedish rating list
  • GM Alexei Shirov , Spain, former World Championship challenger
  • GM David Navara, Czech Republic, with the highest rating of the tournament
  • GM Liêm Guang Lê, Vietnam, the current Asian champion
  • GM Harika Dronavalli. India, one of the world’s strongest female players
  • GM Jorden Van Foreest, the Netherlands, one of the most promising young players in Europe
  • GM Nihal Sarin, India, a chess prodigy who, at 14, became India’s youngest grandmaster

The tournament will offer live commenting by GM Ivan Sokolov.

Johan Berntsen
Director, TePe Sigeman Chess
++46 709317574”
